Monday, June 21, 2010

Preschoolers need creativity

When you give the opportunity for awesome to happen, it will. So much of our society focuses on toys that make a racket, light up and do god knows what else. When is there time for imagination when every toy has a set purpose? Our society needs to realize that we are sculpting minds. Imagination and creativity are too undervalued right now. Children need more open ended and un-defined materials. Materials that have no wrong use or wrong outcome. Materials with endless possibilities. Materials that lead to life long skills.

Paint- You can never paint a picture wrong. Colour theory is more important than knowing the ninja turtles names

Clay- Sensory to the max. Allows children to think and explore on a 3d level and to represent their own unique realities.

Loose parts- Children create the definition and use. I've been eating many pom pom ice cream cones lately.

Blocks- balance, stability, geometry....need I really say more?

We need to cut out the crap and stick with the old favs.

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