Saturday, April 23, 2011

YES YES YES! I met someone completely and wonderfully amazing! Ahhhhh! I feel like a schoolgirl.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Whenever I wear tie dye I feel happy in my heart.
In my last relationship I was really inhibited about what I could wear as my partner had really narrow views on what was fashionable. A lot of the time he wouldn't like what I was wearing and while sometimes it was fun to pretend not to care and wear it anyways, ultimately I relented and tried to wear things I knew he liked. He liked really bland corporate attire and essentially outfits with little to no colour other than grey, white and black. For a creative person like myself this was absolutely horrible. I think what he goes for is classy but I never felt it looked classy, just corporate. And well I'm not a corporate person. I'm a preschool teacher for gosh sakes. Colour is my life and always has been. I was so stifled, it wasn't really surprising I wasn't confident in my appearance when we were together. Now that I'm single, I finally feel like I can express myself again. I have been working on a new wardrobe for myself that actually makes me feel whole, like I'm expressing myself and like I'm attractive.
It's amazing what clothes can do for your mood. I've just been feeling on top of the world lately.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I just finished an exam. I was late to the exam and the first to finish. I feel like my teacher thinks I'm nuts. I hate being the first to finish. I always have that freak out that I'm missing something or that there is another page I'm unaware of or something. I also hate scan tron. With a passion. I hate scan tron so much its insane. Anyways, I'm done with 2 hours to spare before my next exam thinger. If you've ever been to Seneca Newnham campus, you'd know that there is absolutely nothing in the area to do other than go to no frills. I'll probably go to no frills.

I'm almost done school and I have a job waiting for me at a fantastic preschool that I'm really excited about. I can't wait to start. I haven't been this excited in a long time and I feel like I was due for some good things to happen. Also, I read a fantastic book recently entitled "Blankets" It's by Craig Thompson and It's easily one of the best books I've ever read.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Getting to know yourself is hard.
I'm probably the least introspective person on the planet. This is likely why I struggle to form thoughts to post on here. My entire world is typically driven through extrospection. I love people, I love figuring people out, I love getting to know them. I don't really know me. I'm working on that. I have never really taken the time to enjoy my own presence before and think about what I want and who I am and who I want to be before. I've been able to do this lately. And while its quite a battle with myself to force myself to focus on myself and not extrospective distractions, I think I'm meeting me. Whoo! Oh and btw I got hired at my placement full time starting mid april! yay! I has career? crazy!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Call it what you want
My days will always have blue skies.
For as long as I decide they will.
Even though you're gone,
I found the sunny side.
With the sun on my cheeks,
I'm embracing this.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011

Imagine we were vivid
Your purples like silk scarves
Drifting through my aqua’s and blues
Of all the grey’s you wore,
Purple was always your colour

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A broken window
A blind fool for concrete desire
My silly little perpetuity must restart
Your magic is gone for me
Vacant photos and memories
Troubled each night by your mendacity, I question myself.