Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I just finished an exam. I was late to the exam and the first to finish. I feel like my teacher thinks I'm nuts. I hate being the first to finish. I always have that freak out that I'm missing something or that there is another page I'm unaware of or something. I also hate scan tron. With a passion. I hate scan tron so much its insane. Anyways, I'm done with 2 hours to spare before my next exam thinger. If you've ever been to Seneca Newnham campus, you'd know that there is absolutely nothing in the area to do other than go to no frills. I'll probably go to no frills.

I'm almost done school and I have a job waiting for me at a fantastic preschool that I'm really excited about. I can't wait to start. I haven't been this excited in a long time and I feel like I was due for some good things to happen. Also, I read a fantastic book recently entitled "Blankets" It's by Craig Thompson and It's easily one of the best books I've ever read.

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